Josephine the “Marvellous”

Theresa Tallien
Theresa Tallien

In prison at the Carmes, Josephine also met Theresa Tallien an aristocrat who had married one of the revolutionaries. The two women became close friends.

The reaction to end of the Terror and the establishment of a new government, known as the Directory, was swift.  It became party time and everything was the opposite to the austere atmosphere of the Revolution.

The stars of the new show were known as the “Merveilleuses” (French for Marvellous women) and two of the leading lights were Teresa Tallien and Josephine.

Juliette Recamier
Juliette Recamier

The most beautiful of the Merveilleuses was Juliette Recamier, whose life story was mind blowing, even in a time of ignoring the norms.

The “Merveilleuses” dressed in Greek or Roman style, mostly quite revealing clothes in sheer fabrics with sandals tied with ribbons or pearls.



Paul Barras
Paul Barras

The male version of the “Merveilleuses” were known as the “Incroyables” (Incredibles).  The most notable was Paul Barras, one of the Directors of the new government and  lover of both Theresa and Josephine.

It was at a dinner at Barras’ residence that Napoleon and Josephine officially met.  Josephine was 32, Napoleon was 26.*

They were married less than six months later.  Napoleon moved into the house Josephine was renting in rue Chantereine,  in the trendy quartier of Chaussée d’Antin,  popular with both financiers and theatre celebrities.

Two days later Napoleon left to head the division of the French army attacking Italy.

*They both lied about their age on the wedding certificate to make them appear to be the same age.